Thursday, June 25, 2015

New Ventures

For those that don't know, I have blogged before. I kept up with it for a while and then fell off the face of the earth. Life got busy and still is busy and it was very hard to keep up.

About a month ago I felt so convicted of the lifestyle I was living. A friend asked me a simple question: "What are you doing next Tuesday?" and I realized... I knew what I was doing every single minute of every day for the next 30 days. I told him that casually and he was surprised. I took a second and realized- that's not normal. I followed through with everything I needed to do those next 30 days and then I made myself a promise. I would not put anything on my calendar more than a week in advance (excluding wedding activities for my beautiful friend, Erin). Quite simply, I'm simplifying.

I am approaching the end of week one and let's just say... it hasn't been an easy journey. I started the week out sick and that was no bueno. Once I got over that, though, it was smooth(er) sailing. So far I have planned two things for this week and only one was more than 24 hours in advance. I LOVE not knowing what I'm going to do tomorrow. It opens up so many possibilities. I am 90% stress-free and loving it. Still working on removing that last 10%.

So, why did I start a new blog when I already have one? Well, my last blog had a different purpose. Its goal was to share my walk with the Lord and some of my many deep thoughts. It was more essay/article style with lots of great advice (I may or may not be biased). This blog is primarily about my latest venture: Rainshine River Graphic Design and all of my daily/weekly shenanigans. This blog is going to help me build a little structure into my new carefree life by allowing me to plan time to sit down and do something I love- write. It's also to help me get rid of that last 10% of stress by doing something I love- writing.

On this blog you will hear of all of my awesome adventures (code for: mundane daily tasks), get to hear about my latest graphic design projects, and possibly see some cool vlogs and stuff.

Hopefully you'll enjoy reading as much as I'll enjoy writing.

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